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Fiduciary Solutions that Transform your Business

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No matter the size of the plan, large or small, IFC delivers fiduciary services to plan fiduciaries, trustees, and committee members. We are invested in you and your committee, helping you navigate fiduciary landscape.

Independent Fiduciary Consulting

If you are not an expert, the DOL strongly advises you to hire one.

What's the Best Way to Limit your Liability?

Hope you never get audited?

Become a Fiduciary expert?

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Hire a Fiduciary expert that will help you keep compliant, reduce your risk and ease administrative burdens.

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About IFC

Buck Blanton


Buck has been in the financial services industry for over 40 years with an emphasis in executive benefits and retirement plans for 35+ years. He is a graduate of Florida State University’s College of Business.

Buck has earned both the Chartered Life Underwriter and Chartered Financial Consultant designations as well as the Accredited Investment Fiduciary from the Center for Fiduciary Studies, The Registered Fiduciary designation from DALBAR, the Global Financial Steward designation from 3Ethos and the Certified Plan Fiduciary Advisor designation from the National Association of Plan Advisors.

Buck has published articles in Life Insurance Selling, CLU Journal’s Sections (Executive Benefits), and Employee Benefit News, and Accounting and Financial Planning for Law Firms.

Our PROMISE to YOU: We never forget the people who make our communities work and offer a profound commitment to protect hard-earned assets and promote future financial security.

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Do you handle contributions to the plan?

Are you the trustee on your company’s 401(k) plan?

Do you exercise any discretion in administering the plan?

If the answer to any of these questions is yes. . . Then Congratulations!

You’re a Fiduciary!

Fiduciary Audit

Providing Fiduciary Awareness Planning and Compliance

Investment Review

Roll out a new blueprint for your future retirement.

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Employee Communication and Education

Being asked to do more with less? We're here to help!

Investment Analysis and Review

Discover the qualitative and quantitative results of all plan investments

Compare Expenses from service providers to other market pricing.

Real Time Expense Breakdown

Are your plan provisions & fees comparable to similar plans in your industry?



Failure to Monitor & Failure to Follow documents are the most common plan compliance mistakes that could cost you thousands of dollars.

Excessive fee cases will move down market as DoL activity resurges in 2023 with smaller plans being targeted. The average fine starts at $400k, regardless of company size.

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Fiduciary Awareness

Services include:

A. Plan Fiduciaries

B. Plan Parties in Interest

C. Selecting and Monitoring Service Providers

D. Selecting and Monitoring Plan Investments

E. Plan Governance and Compliance

F. Maintaining the Fiduciary Audit File

G. Fidelity Bond and Fiduciary Liability Insurance

H. Document Review

I. Prohibited Transactions and Conflicts of Interest

J. Fiduciary Best Practices and Administrative Compliance Review Process

K. Annual Audit Procedure

Investment Review

Services include:

A. Investment Committee and Investment Policy Statement

B. Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis

C. Documentation of Meetings and Recommendations

D. Investment Selection/ De-Selection Process

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Communication & Education

Services Included:

A. Education Meetings

B. Plan Information and Communication Process

C. Claims and Appeal Process

D. Section 408b2 and 404a Disclosure Process

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Investment Analysis & Review

Services Included:

This section looks at all plan investments and provides analysis from independent industry filters to find the qualitative and quantitative results of these investments.

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Expense Breakdown

Services Included:

This section looks at all plan expenses from all service providers and compares them to other market pricing in all areas.

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Benchmark Reports

Services Included:

This section breaks down and compares plan provisions and plan fees compared to similar plans of similar industry and size with both participant count and asset size.

Learn about fiduciary compliance, access helpful checklists, and more!

Checking completed tasks on a list

Call Today: 904-955-0853

Independent Fiduciary Consulting

Email Address

Mailing Address

6501 Arlington Expressway

Suite 213B

Jacksonville, Fl 32211

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